Locate Certified Halal Food premises - fully endorsed by Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM).
Halal-Square is the World’s 1st NFC based Halal Certification implementation
in collaboration with JAKIM, the premier Halal Certification body in
Malaysia. It is fully integrated with Halal-Inside.com, a social network
specifically designed and developed for Muslim to share their experiences
related to Halal Food.
With Halal-Square and Halal-Inside.com, you can:-
a.Location based notification - The application will notify the user (via
vibration/notification) of nearby Halal restaurants
b.Search/locate the Halal certified eateries based on your current location
c.Get direction to the specified halal restaurant from your current
d.View and participate in the restaurant/eateries special promotions
e.Read, write and post reviews, chat, or share your status/information with
your friends (via Halal-Inside.com)
Current implementation is for Malaysia only. Global implementation rollout
is expected to be by December 2013.